Saturday, August 8, 2015

hello hello!
Im back! how's your day, guys? good? uh-huhh *Fify Azmi's style*.
Okay I have decided to write my blog in English. This is one of the ways to improve my English as I have not speak for a long time. I think it is quite dull now. 
Actually, it is because of I, myself haven't practice speaking for quite a time. Plus, I admit I feel shy to speak in front of other people cause I feel i will have grammar errors, wrong sentence structures and etc. I have this  belief where I think I should only speak if I think my sentences are right and perfect. Moreover, I don't have high confidence to show up and speak. well, frankly speaking, it is not good for yourself. If you don't feel the failure for once, how will you learn from your mistake and step up? 

so, please pray for me and may Allah ease!

Let's take a look on my day today.
I woke up almost at 9a.m. 9 hours of sleep is still alright, wasn't it? Hahaha.. (my future mother-in-law might not be so happy about me woke up from bed when 'matahari da nak terpacak atas kpala')

I'm having my holidays now. *Please tell me it's understandable to wake up late?*
Yup, I will go for my 5th semester in UKM on September 2015. Then, it is about 2-months break and I have got less than a month to go back to Bangi. Live leisurely till you can I would say. hehehehehe 

like everyday, of course I will ws with Byhaa. like all the time. -Oh, I should introduce her to you guys first! Ok, Byhaa is a new friend of mine since few months ago. I can conclude she is one of my bestie now. A Johorean, same age as me but older by months. She was born on April 21st, 1994. Yep, a Taurus! She is taking her diploma in Bio-Medical Engineering. An engineer is pretty adorable, is it? :)-

So back to the stories. She went back to her college at 3.30 and she was safely arrived almost at 5. Alhamdulillah. 

Before that, I went to the Restoran Al-Asna together with Mama to buy Nasi Beriani nyum nyums as we didn't had our breakfast. yeah, it was brunch. so we bought four for both of us, Iin and Aon. Later on, we went to supermarket to buy groceries and everything. 'Barang dapur', the meleis called it. And to my surprise, mama wanted to buy crabs! (Hey, mama just mentioned about the ketam exactly after I typed this thing) Not the usual ketam. These are the ones we always 'bintu' with all my siblings and babah. Mama never wanted to buy it even though I resisted. She said she was afraid it's not halal. "2 alam".Oh my! I didn't expect this. You should had looked at my expression when mama told me that! HAHAHAHAHAAA anyway, I missed the old times eating that delicious cooking of ketam by babah together with my family. Oh I really really miss it! tsk tsk we will cook it tomorrow. Be prepared!

Move on to the next topic!
like always, I would check on my twitter, the notifications, the retweets and latest stories! That's it! I've got one. Actually, i had read about it since yesterday.

Okay, here's the story. The Malaysians on Twitter may already know about this. It was about a girl, FF, she's free hair already got a bf and another girl, Liena, a hijabster also had a bf. The story started when FF had screenshot liena's twitter with caption about liena's been flirting with FF's bf and it went viral. Liena's was said to interrupt the FF's relay with her bf.Firstly, I want to stressed up that I will not be bias to any of those two. It's just an opinion of mine. I have checked both FF and Liena's twitter. Read those tweets and retweets' from friends, boyfriends and outsiders. I think most of them didn't know the real stories and what had happened actually. For some cases, the one who faced it in the first place may not know, not understand, or interpreted the situation the wrong way. I want to speak Malay , may I? ok thanks! bila terpengaruh dengan emosi, akan berlaku la circumstances2 yang dijangka or tak disangka. dalam hal ni, FF menuduh Liena, *menuduh here I would say sebab kita tak tau pokok pangkal cerita jugak tkt jd fitnah and kalau betul liena di pihak yang salah then baru kita akan cakap tertuduh didapati bersalah-chewahhh mcm peguam plk", menggatal dengan bf dia, setiap kali dorang gaduh liena akan cari bf si FF ni. dan akhirnya, selepas dua tahun benda ini berlarutan, DM liena sudah, private ws tak jalan (menurut FF), kemarahan akhirnya memuncak sehingga dia bertindak 'screenshot' twitter liena dgn caption 'tuduhan' tersebut. ok aku pendekkn cerita je la.

to FF :
-i see her terlalu menyalahkn tudung as if takde point lain. again i said, im not being bias. kalau btl liena slh, tegur perangai bukan tegur pemakaian. sepatutnya, perangai kena dijaga selari dengan pemakaian kita, I agree. Tapi FF ni aku rasa jd semakin galak bila lbh rmai kwn2 and outsiders yg lbh menyokong dia kt twitter tu drpd si Liena. ANNNNDDDDD, one more thing yang aku rasa sangat tak patut. FF said Liena ni buruk. and so did most of the outsiders. friends, bukan ke semua yang Allah cipta tu cantik? Kalau ye pun perangai seseorang tu buruk, jgn menyalahkan fizikalnya kerana itu adalah ciptaan Tuhan. #notetoself

to liena:
-kalau betul u bersalah, u should sedar kesilapan u and rendahkn diri minta maaf. there still room for forgiveness for you. tapi kalau betul you kene fitnah you should defend yourself ataupun settle luar twitter. mengaku kesalahan you seikhlas hati and hope for the best of all of you guys.

so itu je till now. aku pun da bosan nak taip pepanjang kt entri ni sbb da terlalu pjg aku rasa. tp aku hairan about those outsiders, ramai yang cakap dorang tak tau cerita tapi said uollss tau that party is right and the other is wrong. saye sokong awak!EHHHHHHH, KATE TAKTAU CERITA? renung2kan dan selamat beramal. Assalamualaikum .