Wednesday, February 1, 2012


melepas derr..he's not available..meaning : he is someone's bf:((
 hati ini hancur dan luluh keranamu~~~
tapi i will always be there to support Shakir Ali:))

lepas brapa hari dh x dpt online , akhirnya aku tweet attack shakir ali..lepass rindu wlpn x dlayan..!@#$%
haha..mcm biasa, apa gik..stalk him la jwbnyer..korek punye korek and my heart starts to break into pieces..i found this one pic of a girl ..she said bla bla bla and she's already taken by shakir ali!!!!like...really???!!aku carik lgik sal mpuan ya and found a blog..guess what? the header pic was shakir ali and that girl pic together..they were so close !!erggghhhh..jeles jeles jeles...hancur hancur hancur ... hati hati hati !!sedey gilerr dlm twitter pun nang dh suspect nya tk ada mcm bkn org nok sma jk...nok gmba nya yaa tem 2009..jeles nya aku tem bca cmne cdak 2 bleh jd kapel..aduuuu
